Sunday, August 1, 2010

Friday night diversion and practicing our video'ing...

Keith here... On Friday when I got home from work Amy suggested we go up to Rhinebeck to see what we could see.  Of course I had the "what are you nuts look" on my face!   Rhinebeck + Clinton wedding = lots of people + lots of cars + no parking + lots news media + we have a trip to get ready for + etc. +etc..
So of course you know what happened,  at 8:30 pm we pulled into a parking space in Rhinebeck.  We walked over to the main intersection and there was a crowd but it was well managed and contained.   We staked out our spot and I went to get some us ice cream cones.   Before long Amy was gone investigating things.  She met up with a news video guy and ended up interviewing him using her simple Flip Video.  See her video here.   He was a really nice guy.  

Is Amy the next Barbara Walters or what? (? ? ?)   We did see former President Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vernon Jordan and Madeleine Albright as they entered the Beekman Arms for a late party.   
Well enough of a diversion for this weekend, the wedding is over and it's back to the important issues  of a baby. 

1 comment:

  1. C o o l J o b A m y !!!!!!!

    Didn't Chelsea look elegant? And she had such a beautiful day.

    10 days to go!!!!!!!!!!

