Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chopsticks in my boots...while Lia turns two.

Happy Birthday Little Lia!

While preparing for her party yesterday, I went to put on my cowboy boots and found chopsticks in them.   Earlier on, Lia mysteriously placed an orange somewhere and decided she wouldn't 'fess up.  It took a while, but I did finally find it.  (Oranges are a sign of good luck, and I was going to cut orange slices for the party.  But it wasn't going to be good luck if I didn't find that orange).  After I found the orange, she gave me a sweet smile.  Boy, has my life changed.  And I even now share my ice cream (read on!).

We've been celebrating for two days now...and Lia has been like a little Duracell bunny.  We had quite a blowout of a party for Lia yesterday and then we were up and running this morning.

Today we took Lia on the train, and went down to Chinatown.  She was beyond thrilled to be riding on the train.  Hop Lee's was really great and then we just had to have dessert at the Ice Cream Factory.  Lia decided that she liked my green tea ice cream more than daddy's mango ice cream.  It sure was fun to share with her.  We even took her to a playground. She couldn't get enough of going down the slide.

Monday, October 17, 2011

In the pumpkin patch with our little pumpkin

Yesterday we went pumpkin picking.  It was a bit cool and there was a little wind, reminding us that winter’s coming.   There was no hayride, but the farm had a lot of things to do; we ate donuts and drank apple cider, played a beanbag game and saw some farm animals.  Lia even sat on a horse.  All of our carousel rides just didn’t prepare her for a real horse moving.  No go...maybe next time.  While looking for the perfect pumpkin, Lia saw a nursery full of baby pumpkins.  She went crazy with excitement!  Within seconds, she choose the pumpkin that she wanted.
Look for the sandwich board; Lia cannot walk by anything that resembles a tunnel, thanks to her gymnastics class.  This nearly 2 year old barely fit through.  The sandwich board didn't seem to mind.
Lia will be 2 this Saturday!