Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Did I hear what I thought I heard?

It sure sounded like Mama to me!!!

 I went downstairs to bring up something from our pantry, and took a detour to pick up a few things in the family room.  According to "Lia time", that was too long for her to wait to see me...she was sitting in her Exersaucer, and cried out, "Mama!".  Oh wow!!!!  From her perspective, she probably was wondering why I was smiling so much.

Now, Keith has been in his glory since the day we met Lia, because she's been saying Baba all along.   "Baba" in Chinese means Dad.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Showered with Love

Thank you so  much!
Our church gave me a shower yesterday!   It was great to see everyone and celebrate Lia.  We felt very loved.  Thanks for welcoming Lia into your hearts! Keith and I are so overwhelmed with your kindness... We also so appreciate the prayers.  I enjoyed showing Keith all the cards, special gifts and"Pearls of Wisdom" tonight.  Wow...it was a really special day, and I will never forget your kindness and love for Lia.

I am so glad that we were late to church yesterday (Sorry Pastor Lawlor). There was a benefit to it.  While in the back seat of the car, unknowingly, I had sat on a velcro attachment from Lia's car seat.   We walked quickly into church.  Keith didn't notice it on the way in since he was busy holding Lia. After the praise songs, I sat down and realized what had happened.  I never laughed so quietly and so hard in all my life!!!    Meanwhile, our friend Tom noticed the unusual floppy attachment but kept quiet, and thought it was something ridiculously fashionable.  He probably learned the lesson to never comment on women's new fashions...guys, can you relate?  Anyway, I think (hope) that Tom was the only one to see that.  After I got myself back together, I begged him to have full liberty from now on to speak up!!!!!! It brought back flashbacks of a dry erase marker that had velcro attached to it.  Somehow I had sat on it, and walked around my classroom with it attached to my skirt (same skirt, year earlier).  Last year's Kindergarteners didn't let me get away with that one, and even reminded me about it at the end of the year!  Good job Kindergarteners if you're out there reading my blog (I mean new First Graders)!  I'm very proud of your long term memory!!! (BTW; I miss you and hope you're enjoying First Grade!).

Ladies, I'm just warning you to watch out for velcro!  It seems so harmless and helpful, but can lead to "serious" laughter :)))))) or embarrassment (I lucked out, or at least I think I lucked out).

I also have been dealing with velcro bibs that I had bought at Babies R Us, that find a way to attach to socks, ugh...etc.  I am forever grateful for the new bibs I got with snaps...as well as all the other thoughtful gifts.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

We've had Lia for one month!

Amy and I can hardly believe that only one month ago on August 16 we landed in Nanchang, walked into our hotel and saw Lia being carried down the lobby staircase.  Moments later she was placed in Amy's arms and we became a family.  We have experienced a lot during this month; bonding with Lia, travelling in China,  returning to New York and adjusting our home life to include a little baby.  Amy is enjoying being a stay at home mom.  Her days are full!

Lia is doing great and we love her dearly!  She is growing and getting stronger every day.  When we first got her she didn't like being on her stomach, but now she loves to roll all over the floor.  She's getting anxious to crawl.  She now has 6 teeth, with the 7th on it's way.

'Thanks to all for the warm welcome to Lia!

What a cutie! 

Amy's brother Tim visited last night.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Art of Being a Parent

  Wow! I thought Lia was going to be the only one learning!  As new parents, we have been learning so much every day...
This week my goal was to learn how to feed her neatly.  Every once in a while, I thought I was doing so well, and then her little hand would jerk suddenly, right into the spoon.  Then of course, she immediately had to put her hand on her forehead, and then start for the hair.  I always intercept before the hair.  So, when I think about it, it really is going quite well, because it hasn't ever ended up in her hair.  ...And I haven't ever had to give her a bath after eating.  The joys of a 10 month old!

Every night, Keith can mesmerize Lia into a deep sleep in 5 minutes.  I haven't had that happen yet.  When we have company, it becomes the crazy hour for me.  I try, and try...then Keith gets in there, and he comes out so quickly.  "She's not totally asleep, but she'll be out soon".  I don't get it.

Everyone has been asking, "How did Lia do on the 13 hour plane ride?".  I couldn't believe my eyes...he held her the whole entire trip.  She would fuss for a second, and Keith would readjust her little airplane pillow, she would give a sigh of relief, and then go back to sleep.  I knew better than to interrupt this routine.  It was incredible.  Me, on the other hand, spilt ice cold water in my seat at the beginning of the flight.  I figured I better just sit still and be content.  Sometimes you just need to count your blessings and not look any further.  I was happy to have a husband that helped out so much, and a beautiful little girl.  Keith is a baby whisperer I guess.

When our eyes meet, her face breaks into a smile...
We've been home for 2 weeks now.  Routines are definitely getting easier.  One of the best things is to be wakened up by Lia's coos.  We love to rush in to see her.  It's very funny to see the positions she wakes up in.  One morning, she had her foot between the slats, just relaxing.  

Here are some more photos for you to enjoy...

"Why am I sitting here?"

The Vanderbilt
"I don't need caffeine, but my mommy and daddy do every morning".

We took Lia to a Chinese Garden (Innisfree) to see the lotus blooming.  
Relaxing at Innisfree...