Monday, October 12, 2015

Little Pumpkins

So much has gone on in the past couple of  months. Keith and I decided that we wanted to move  since we wanted to be closer to our jobs and church.  So throughout the summer, we decluttered and updated the house.  Our house looked so amazing that after a week of having it listed, we got offers!  We found a few houses that we were watching, but suddenly sold.
At the same time, school started, and Lia and Rosie went to a new neighborhood school (last year Lia was in Kindergarten at my school, but we were paying tuition there); a quaint country school with wonderful teachers.  Lia is now in first grade and Rosie is in Kindergarten.  They love riding on the bus together and their classrooms are diagonally across from each other.  The school is so small that they see each other at lunch and recess. How awesome is that?  Keith shifted his hours so that the girls are not in a before or afterschool program.  It's been so nice to have them grounded with just us.
For all these reasons and even other reasons that came up, we decided that it wasn't the right time to move.   We are keeping an open mind about still moving in the future, but yet we are ok with staying.  We are content and have peace about it all.
I love how Rosie started to assimulate my crazy organizing, decorating and decluttering.  I can't take credit for all of the work I did this summer.  I used the KonMari Method from the book"the life-changing magic of tidying up" by marie kondo.  It sure has been a life changing book for me as well as Rosie!
This is a neighborhood farm that I've always treasured.  How cute is this Pumpkin House for our little pumpkins?!
...and a local Fall Festival nearby, which included a hayride of course.  Rosie as a scarecrow just cracks me up!  A bird just sitting on her arm????  I've never seen her so still!!!!!!
These are some of the things that I just love in our neighborhood.  
Happy Fall everyone! 
This is also the month of Lia turning 6.  Needless to say, the toothfairy has been coming to our house a lot lately.  And our pumpkin is as happy as can be...