Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Today we're celebrating our First Gotcha Day!

This is the only video we have of Lia and I first meeting. It's when our eyes first met.  We had a difficult time posting in China, so now on the 1 year anniversary, here it is.  Grab your tissues!

It was around 11:00 a.m. and Lia was waiting in the lobby of the hotel.She just had a 3 hour drive from the countryside to the city of Nanchang.  She was pretty tired.   As we walked into the hotel lobby, I watched Lia and the assistant come down a beautiful staircase.   Keith was suddenly very busy with the director, signing necessary paperwork.

Forget the formalities! Here's my Lia!!!! I went right to her.  So you'll see the assistant trying to avoid me...I can't even describe the feeling I had, but it was almost like my heart exploded... in pure joy.  It was a huge blessing beyond what I ever dreamed of.  I couldn't wait to hold her.

Look for Lia giving me the once over (or should I say the twice over)!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Lia's accessories

Today, Lia did her usual routine of hiding behind the drapes. But this time, she was caught with all her accessories 
 holding her back from having more fun.
Did that stop my little thinker?
 Nope.  She took off the little loop that kept her balloons on her wrist, and then let the balloons be free.  But then she had no idea where her balloons went...
Then she saw them.  She was hysterically proud of herself.  
...Up to the ceiling!
A minute later, she walked into the kitchen, business as usual.
And ready for a new adventure.
P.S.Don't even ask how we got two free CVS balloons...that's another story!!!!!