Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Yin and Yang of Things...

"In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin-yang (simplified Chinese阴阳traditional Chinese陰陽pinyinyīnyáng), which is often called "yin and yang", is used to describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world; and, how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Many natural dualities (such as male and female, light and dark, high and low, hot and cold, water and fire, life and death, and so on) are thought of as physical manifestations of the yin-yang concept. The concept lies at the origins of many branches of classical Chinese science and philosophy, as well as being a primary guideline of traditional Chinese medicine,[1] and a central principle of different forms of Chinese martial arts and exercise, such as baguazhangtaijiquan (t'ai chi), and qigong (Chi Kung) and of I Ching.
Yin and yang are actually complementary, not opposing, forces, interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part; in effect, a dynamic system. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, (for instance shadow cannot exist without light). Either of the two major aspects may manifest more strongly in a particular object, depending on the criterion of the observation".  


OK, love the part about interconnected, not opposing but complementary...Here's what I always thought about Yin-Yang-------What would salt do without pepper?  What would hamburgers do without ketchup or hot dogs without mustard?  Or Abbott without Costello, or sunshine without rain?  How about chocolate covered pretzels?  I'm sure you could add to the list...I just never thought that it would also pertain to my daughters...

As we are learning more and more about Rosie, we see some really interesting things going on.  We just had corn on the cob tonight...those who know me know that I've been really into nutrition, so I've not been into corn on the cob for the past three years.  Hence, Lia hasn't had corn on the cob...But tonight we had wild salmon, corn on the cob and wild rice.  Lia delicately tried it out; Rosie bit into it! Then it was bathtime; as always, Lia endured her bath, Rosie savored it (She pours water on her head!).

But to recap my day....Today I had the most interesting morning.  I was so exhausted that I dragged myself to the sofa and rested for a while.  Rosie hung out with me, but she suddenly put her head back and hit my left eye area super hard.  It smart.  A few minutes later, Lia woke up and joined us on the sofa.

About 2 hours later, we were walking around the house, and somehow Rosie's shoe and my left pinky toe had a huge get together, and I ended up breaking my pinkie toe.  The pain has been unbearable!  So here I am with Lia who has been so delicate for almost 3 years of having her (!), and here's Rosie that has made my day very, very memorable!  My dear Kimberly came over to babysit, and I went out to go food was my very first day out by myself,  with my black eye and broken pinky toe.  That kind of thing never happened with Lia!  Rosie sure is adding a lot of spice to our lives, making us realize what we have been missing!  (And I was thinking that "Ricky was in trouble", ha! God is definitely speaking to my heart and letting me know it's not about me anymore).

The girls both had to have medical tape and tape their toes up like I did...

And Rosie made a great exit for the night; she actually went potty for the first time, and then did not even whimper while going to sleep with can you believe it, pajamas on!  Rosie is sure of surprises...and is adding a lot of spice to our lives!!!!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ricky might be in trouble...

We've been back almost 2 weeks and we're trying to find normalcy!  I still have an occasional bout with vertigo, but all in all, there is a new rhythm going on here.  Laundry is still insane and we're still enjoying take outs and drop ins at favorite restaurants (and new ones too; Crooked Rooster is awesome!)   It's actually been very helpful talking and listening to just you "regular", seasoned parents. We've also been just using common sense and at times survival tactics (divide and conquer, contain, etc.)!  We definitely are dealing with a lot of Parenting 101 issues that surface when you have 2 or more children.  Adoptive Parent sunglasses go on occasionally, but for the most part, we are realizing we are just parents, period. Just regular people with 2 kids.  And loving it more each day.

Lia and Rosie continue to get used to each other, while they struggle with sharing...sharing me!  So they will kind of grab my leg and assume their position, increase their stability by taking on a wide stance, get very determined and push back as necessary. Push back me, or each other, wherever the tension is coming from.  If I try to pry them off, they combat me with a stronger hold.   As sweet as it is, it is not easy to end this battle of "She is MINE! and I love her more!".  Keith is a great referee, and usually finds a way to get them off within a few seconds.  I dreaded him going back to work, because I couldn't imagine how I was going to end this scenario.  I can understand their stronghold, because my love for them is just as strong and continues to grow stronger every day.   I just don't cling to them!!!!

When we were at Lucy's in Guangzhou, I kind of started to realize I have a Lucy and Ethel situation on my hands.  Lucy is the fiery one, constantly moving, impulsively thinking up things that could possibly get herself in trouble.  Ethel is the devoted, logical friend that just loves Lucy.  Ethel grounds Lucy.  Can you figure out who's who in my family (OK everyone, I mean the girls, not Keith and I! Yes, I do get him into trouble occasionally but it's always unintentional)?   I just dread the fact that I could be the target of conspiracy one I just constantly watch out of the corner of my eye...sometimes I see glimses of what will be.  Today they played so nicely in the living room, and then came into the kitchen where I was doing dishes.  They came in holding hands, smiles beaming, looking up at me, not saying a word, but just giggling.  I was a little suspicious to what would happen next, but it was so sweet and innocent!  But as my friend Loure would say, "Be on the alert!".  Rosie has a sneaky side to her; Keith and I can feel it!  But so does Lia.

Last Summer, my friend Loure and I ate up in a cute little cafe in Clinton Corners. I bought 2 cookies; one for Lia and one for me.  I took a bite out of my cookie, and Lia worked on hers very quickly.  Her hair needed to be adjusted with I focused on her barrettes, she switched plates without me knowing.  Loure burst into laughter...As long as I live, I will not forget that moment of victory that Lia had.  And then there's the story Doreen tells me.  When Doreen babysat Lia for the first time, Doreen was thinking how quiet and sweet Lia is.  And then Lia came into the kitchen up to Doreen, and said, "Boo!". My mind immediately goes to just a few days ago at Uno's when Lia started dancing to the music before the food arrived...she dances so crazy sweet.  It drives me insane.  So Rosie snuck down from the booth and started to rock on.  Hysterical!  What was she doing in the orphanage?  Breakdancing?  Did they put on the music and let them dig the beat?  Just didn't think she was dancing over there, but maybe so.  Anyhow, Lia truly does have a lot of things up her sleeve.   Just hoping I don't have 2 Lucys here.

And so the friendship began...a short lived, quiet moment on the official adoption day in China, before doing official fingerprinting documentation.
And today in Hannaford's...driving (us crazy? just kidding) 

Seeing any simularities????
Not yet?
Lia took a nap, while Rosie skipped hers and then did errands with her dad, including getting free balloons from CVS.  No wonder why Rosie is not taking naps...

Update...After I came out of the shower, Rosie and Lia were each in a section of the mesh divided laundry hamper.  "Who's idea was this?"
Lia's reply, "Rosie and me".  Kind of says it all.  We're heading into lots of adventures!
 To be continued...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Red, White and Blue Daze

We did pretty well with our flight home.  We got to the gate just in time even though we had gotten to the airport early, and we were fortunate to have had no delays taking off.  Our flight actually came in 45 minutes earlier and Rosie became an American as she put her foot down on the ground.  Immigration and Customs went well, as I behaved myself and didn't take any photos; last time I did (in baggage claim, coming back from same route of Hong Kong to Newark when adopting Lia)  and got myself in trouble...How exciting to know that my bro Tim, good friends Doreen and Kimberly, and my cousin Linda would be greeting us! Well there they were...the first people that we saw with a beautiful star spangled happiness banner Welcoming Lia and Rosie home!

We then drove up home and I actually fell asleep with my head on my backpack.  (How did I do that?  I never can sleep anywhere, but it was easy!).  When we got home, it was raining cats and dogs.  Our good friends Loure and Bill also came up to see us, and we had a little Welcome Home party.  The girls pushed their baby doll strollers up and down the hall and were very content.   It was so good to be home and with our dear close friends.  Not to mention the delicious mango cake for Lia and raspberry cake for Rosie!

We're still pushing through jet lag.  Last night, the girls were very, very wide awake in the middle of the night.  Going to sleep is still frustrating for Rosie, but we think we are on the verge of figuring it out.  We think it is due to new surroundings and the jet lag.  Totally makes sense since when we slept in Guangzhou the first night, Rosie slept on my chest the whole night and wouldn't have it any other way.  Please pray for Rosie...that she learns quickly to trust and not be so fearful.  At times, the adjustment seems so tough, but as a dear friend reminded me, God has orchestrated this adoption every step of the way.   If God is for us, who can be against us?

Rosie continues to make great strides everyday.  Today she learned how to say thank you.  So thank you to you all for everything you have done to encourage us.  And thank you to the anonyomous friend who put a beautiful plant by our door, and American flags on our garage!!!!  You know who you are!

Happy 4th!
The girls at the local parade, eating all American Lays and Doritos...Rosie is the newest American in town and loving it!

Little Rascals style beat up red wagon; courtesy of Brimfield Antiques Fair, 
including rusty and bent up frame with squeaky wheels
Decorations; courtesy of Doreen and Kimberly, 
reused from our Welcome Home Party