Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Being a cool dog in the hot dog days of summer

Our pool...
no fancy fountains or shimmering nighttime lights,
just some water heating up in the sun,
an occasional butterfly flittering by,
and Lia clapping in excitement.

The Brimfield Antique Show
Nothing like looking at other people's  "stuff", I mean treasures.

We did find the Terracotta Warriors at Brimfield!!!!
(BTW;You must google this if you have no idea what I'm talking about).
...And we also found a very cute giraffe pull toy for Lia.
It became a joke since we had big plans of what we would find,
 but ended up buying Lia  the little giraffe from a seller who was very anxious to haggle. (I love to haggle, but it was too cheap of a price to even start to negotiate and too hot!!!).

Hard to believe, but this is the first time Lia is in a pool.
Last summer we were way too busy in China, and then way too busy adjusting when we came back last August.

1 comment:

  1. You must have been on vacation in Massachusetts....At the Brimfield Antique Show. That is one place I would have to keep my Ronald away from because everyone's treasures would become his stuff. He loves to collect!!! AND....I love to throw out.
    Thanks for sharing your great pictures.

    B ☺
