Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Taking a break between blog to you!

We got a call from our agency that there are no Consulate cancellations available for today. They will try for a cancellation tomorrow morning; this will be our last opportunity for catching up to our travel group. If we're not able to move forward with this plan, we will definitely be in the travel group leaving August 12th.

Since yesterday, we’ve been swamped with a lot of things that came up and literally demanded (or should I say screamed) for our full attention. Here are just a few...out of the blue, we had a mini-flood in our garage. While Keith was working on that, I learned how to unclog the bathroom sink, and did really well (with absolutely no supervision). We’ve been laughing about all these challenges that have come up. It seems to be a sign that we are officially “not ready” yet. By the way, the mini-flood has been taken care of, and the sink is working beautifully. We’re onto the next immediate project! Got to go...

We’ll let you know what the news is tomorrow.

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