Monday, October 25, 2010

Lia's 1st Birthday!

Lia had a great time celebrating her birthday this weekend and ended up being quite the party girl.

 We took her to the Apple Pie Bakery (CIA) for a quick dinner.

Lia had a cupcake at home.  After we blew the candle out, Lia did what any 
one year old would do with a cupcake; she got really messy.


The next day, we had a small party with family and friends.  Before the party, Lia decided she didn't need an afternoon nap as Keith and I hung Chinese lanterns all throughout the house.  (She didn't want to miss anything, and was confused about our busy-ness).
It was great to celebrate Lia with everyone.  Somehow, she made it through the cake!  She could have done a face plant into it and fallen asleep (it would have been justified), but she loved the attention and went right along with accepting her new birthday tradition.


  1. I love her little face! And...the expression on it looking at daddy is priceless!! Keith you can tell she surely loves you! Isn't it a WONDERFUL feeling.

    B :)

  2. Happy first Birthday, Lia! Such fun. I agree, I love the way she is looking at her Daddy!

  3. OK....You added a picture...Of Mommy and Lia...Amy I never saw you so HAPPY and Lia you are such a beautiful little girl!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Lia! Happy Parenting to you Keith and Amy!
