Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Red, White and Blue Daze

We did pretty well with our flight home.  We got to the gate just in time even though we had gotten to the airport early, and we were fortunate to have had no delays taking off.  Our flight actually came in 45 minutes earlier and Rosie became an American as she put her foot down on the ground.  Immigration and Customs went well, as I behaved myself and didn't take any photos; last time I did (in baggage claim, coming back from same route of Hong Kong to Newark when adopting Lia)  and got myself in trouble...How exciting to know that my bro Tim, good friends Doreen and Kimberly, and my cousin Linda would be greeting us! Well there they were...the first people that we saw with a beautiful star spangled happiness banner Welcoming Lia and Rosie home!

We then drove up home and I actually fell asleep with my head on my backpack.  (How did I do that?  I never can sleep anywhere, but it was easy!).  When we got home, it was raining cats and dogs.  Our good friends Loure and Bill also came up to see us, and we had a little Welcome Home party.  The girls pushed their baby doll strollers up and down the hall and were very content.   It was so good to be home and with our dear close friends.  Not to mention the delicious mango cake for Lia and raspberry cake for Rosie!

We're still pushing through jet lag.  Last night, the girls were very, very wide awake in the middle of the night.  Going to sleep is still frustrating for Rosie, but we think we are on the verge of figuring it out.  We think it is due to new surroundings and the jet lag.  Totally makes sense since when we slept in Guangzhou the first night, Rosie slept on my chest the whole night and wouldn't have it any other way.  Please pray for Rosie...that she learns quickly to trust and not be so fearful.  At times, the adjustment seems so tough, but as a dear friend reminded me, God has orchestrated this adoption every step of the way.   If God is for us, who can be against us?

Rosie continues to make great strides everyday.  Today she learned how to say thank you.  So thank you to you all for everything you have done to encourage us.  And thank you to the anonyomous friend who put a beautiful plant by our door, and American flags on our garage!!!!  You know who you are!

Happy 4th!
The girls at the local parade, eating all American Lays and Doritos...Rosie is the newest American in town and loving it!

Little Rascals style beat up red wagon; courtesy of Brimfield Antiques Fair, 
including rusty and bent up frame with squeaky wheels
Decorations; courtesy of Doreen and Kimberly, 
reused from our Welcome Home Party

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