Monday, September 20, 2010

Showered with Love

Thank you so  much!
Our church gave me a shower yesterday!   It was great to see everyone and celebrate Lia.  We felt very loved.  Thanks for welcoming Lia into your hearts! Keith and I are so overwhelmed with your kindness... We also so appreciate the prayers.  I enjoyed showing Keith all the cards, special gifts and"Pearls of Wisdom" tonight. was a really special day, and I will never forget your kindness and love for Lia.

I am so glad that we were late to church yesterday (Sorry Pastor Lawlor). There was a benefit to it.  While in the back seat of the car, unknowingly, I had sat on a velcro attachment from Lia's car seat.   We walked quickly into church.  Keith didn't notice it on the way in since he was busy holding Lia. After the praise songs, I sat down and realized what had happened.  I never laughed so quietly and so hard in all my life!!!    Meanwhile, our friend Tom noticed the unusual floppy attachment but kept quiet, and thought it was something ridiculously fashionable.  He probably learned the lesson to never comment on women's new fashions...guys, can you relate?  Anyway, I think (hope) that Tom was the only one to see that.  After I got myself back together, I begged him to have full liberty from now on to speak up!!!!!! It brought back flashbacks of a dry erase marker that had velcro attached to it.  Somehow I had sat on it, and walked around my classroom with it attached to my skirt (same skirt, year earlier).  Last year's Kindergarteners didn't let me get away with that one, and even reminded me about it at the end of the year!  Good job Kindergarteners if you're out there reading my blog (I mean new First Graders)!  I'm very proud of your long term memory!!! (BTW; I miss you and hope you're enjoying First Grade!).

Ladies, I'm just warning you to watch out for velcro!  It seems so harmless and helpful, but can lead to "serious" laughter :)))))) or embarrassment (I lucked out, or at least I think I lucked out).

I also have been dealing with velcro bibs that I had bought at Babies R Us, that find a way to attach to socks, ugh...etc.  I am forever grateful for the new bibs I got with well as all the other thoughtful gifts.


  1. I enjoyed reading your last post. It made me laugh and laugh. The joys of parenthood will stay with you forever!!! I also have many silly things we have done over the years. it is funny to think of them.

    What a wonderful welcoming to your daughter, Lia. She is one lucky little girl and in the years ahead she will definitely realize it!

    Everyday is an adventure in more ways then one.


  2. New parenthood.... only the ability to laugh at yourself will get you through! You learn things so quickly - like NEVER leave the Desitin on the sink near where the toothpaste usually sits. Steve learned that the hard way! Let's just say he wasn't so minty fresh that day.

  3. I continue to LOVE to read your posts! I am overwhelemed at watching the path God set before you and the joy you have had through all the ups and downs of it.
    Matthew told me you came to visit last friday with Lia. He told me "that baby is so tiny" He held up his hands to show me and from the interpretation of his size she looks to be about 6 inches tall or possibly the size of Flat Stanley. Kids-you gotta love them!
    ♥Corrina Kelley
