Thursday, September 16, 2010

We've had Lia for one month!

Amy and I can hardly believe that only one month ago on August 16 we landed in Nanchang, walked into our hotel and saw Lia being carried down the lobby staircase.  Moments later she was placed in Amy's arms and we became a family.  We have experienced a lot during this month; bonding with Lia, travelling in China,  returning to New York and adjusting our home life to include a little baby.  Amy is enjoying being a stay at home mom.  Her days are full!

Lia is doing great and we love her dearly!  She is growing and getting stronger every day.  When we first got her she didn't like being on her stomach, but now she loves to roll all over the floor.  She's getting anxious to crawl.  She now has 6 teeth, with the 7th on it's way.

'Thanks to all for the warm welcome to Lia!

What a cutie! 

Amy's brother Tim visited last night.


  1. Boy how time flies!!! One month of loving Lia, I'm sure she has never been happier. I LOVE HER FACE!
    Lia is not only loved by her mommy and daddy. She is so lucky to have family and friends in her life. How can you not love her!
    It's so wonderful to be in touch with your blog and seeing how great life is.


  2. Lia appears to be one happy little girl and now with 2 loving and caring parents! One lucky family all around!

  3. Time flies. Enjoy every minute of her. I hope we run into you soon to meet Lia. Matthew and Tabitha would love to see her. God Bless all 3 of you!
