Thursday, June 27, 2013

Appointment at US Consulate completed

Keith here, thought I would add my thoughts.  It's 5 a.m. Friday morning, China time.  Amy and the girls are sleeping peacefully.
Thursday morning we were up early, had breakfast and were in the hotel lobby before 8 a.m. to meet our guide to drive to the US Consulate for our 8:30 a.m. appointment.  Amy, Lia and I, along with eleven other families took the adoption oath together and then one by one we were called up to a window to complete and sign the last document, DS-230.  It was an awesome feeling to once again be back in the same spot as we had been with Lia three years ago. We now wait for Rosalie's US Visa and brown envelope that we'll give to US Immigration when we land in Newark on Sunday. 

In the afternoon we ventured out and took a taxi to the Guangzhou Zoo again. It was nice to walk around and see some animals that we missed the other day.  Unfortunately the Panda exhibit was closed so we were not able to see them. It was nice to let the girls run around the grounds and stretch their legs a bit since there so much time is spent being couped up in strollers, hotels, taxis, restaurants, etc.. We had snacks and some ice cream(to ease the heat).  Rosalie really likes ice cream, just like any other child (since it's so new to her we have to limit it to small portions since she is not used to the coldness and dairy).  It's really hot and humid in the afternoons. We've had several afternoon showers as well these past few days and one just feels like a drenched rag, hot, wet and sticky.  It reminds me of my childhood in Africa during the rainy season.  Since it is the rainy/monsoon season here, all the grass, trees and flowers are blooming nicely.  Nice to see all the greenery in this large city.

Rosalie is adjusting well to all the new foods we put in front of her.  She'll try and eat most anything. She's adjusting to eating in restaurants as well... which of course is much different then the orphanage.  She's only broken one Chinese style ceramic spoon so far.  The other night at dinner she was gently tapping the table with a spoon.  Then quick as a wink the tapping turned into banging, which of course led to one crack, just as my hands reached over to catch the broken end of the spoon which was flying across her place setting.  Result... no Chinese ceramic spoons for Rosalie for awhile.       
Lia and Rosalie are adjusting and settling in with each other.  There are times of jealousy and tension, then times of pure joy and laughter.  Please keep them both in your prayers as they continue to adjust.

During our stay here at the Garden Hotel in Guangshou we've had the opportunity to meet many other adoption families from all over the US(California, Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon and Tennessee.  Plus one family from Australia.  Just like Amy and I, there are several families who are adopting a 2nd Chinese child, and one family adopting their 3rd.  One thing in common with each family... a deep love for their new child. It's amazing to think that God, who created us in His image, gave us all the capacity to love... what a great gift it is!  

1 comment:

  1. Keith & Amy, I ask Father God for rest and calmness as you pack & prepare for your trip home with Lia & Rosie ~ may you be blessed with angels to help with direction, protection, sleep, and kindness of strangers. (Keep the laughter down to a dull roar as you fly through the air! LOL!)
    To quote you, Keith..."One thing in common with each family... a deep love for their new child. It's amazing to think that God, who created us in His image, gave us all the capacity to love... what a great gift it is!"
