Saturday, June 22, 2013

Rosie's Heart

We went to the medical clinic today.  The clinic was in a different and larger location, in the center of Guangzhou.  Jack got us through the clinic very fast.  We were only 2 families, so I think that helped us out alot.  Rosie got weighed first, then went to another office and had a general check up. The check up included  measuring the circumference of her head, and having a specialist come in to check her heart. She is a special needs kid and had a congenital birth defect at birth.  A year later the hole in her heart in her heart had healed. They checked for murmurs but everything was fine.  We were so surprised how Rosie cooperated in every office.  She lay on the table until they let us go.  I didn't dare ask any questions to the staff...last time, I asked about Lia's eye...she had a clogged tear duct and they were very rough with her.  (I guess the mother bear comes out in me though!).  They asked me to sign a form stating that we would get Rosie immunized at home! Could we really be so lucky?The last station was immunizations/TB test.  I still couldn't believe our luck about the shots so I wasn't totally convinced about this since lots of kids were in front of this one door (with Christmas decorations on it. "A new festival?" I asked Jack, just to break the tension), and they were all hysterically crying.  A nurse came out and took Rosie from me, and I wasn't allowed in.  The door shut.  I waited for quite a while, while Lia and Keith went to the bathroom.  It was so sweet seeing all these kids with adoptive parents, comforting their newly adopted children.  Finally, the door opened, and Rosie walked up to me, both with our arms open, not a tear in her eye, but emotionally upset I am sure.  The nurse told me to put pressure on Rosie's bandaid.  I was at eye level with her.  I actually was very grateful for the test, since Rosie really needed something to know that I am always going to be there for her.  So as we waited for Keith and Lia, I asked Jack about the regulations.  He said that they changed it last year.  The TB test procedure also had improved; now it has become a bloodwork test and doesn't have to be checked out, so we are totally done with medical!  What a nice surprise to have it go so the evening we went to eat Mexican, and then went to the mall.  Couldn't resist buying Rosie squeaky shoes.As Rosie went to sleep, it was hard to get her new shoes off; to her, a symbol of happiness and a symbol of ownership.

I've got to talk about bonding though...Rosie has been giving me such a hard time the past few days.  She is truly testing the boundaries.  Not only is she going through the process of adoption, but she also has a lot of 2 year old behaviors such as testing the limits, and asserting independence.  And some orphanage behaviors too. But in the morning, when I changed her in the hotel lobby's bathroom, I had reached my limit.  She then started with sucking her thumb again, and I took charge.  I lathered her thumbs up with liquid soap, and then confidently walked out of the bathroom.  Totally different tone.  It was the beginning.  A huge step.  The air suddenly cleared. Emotionally, I've been exhausted.  She seems to hear Keith's tone though, and  listens extremely well to him. He then gives me updates on her;  he always tells me about Rosie's self help skills.  I've seen some of them...she helps a lot with putting on clothes, and sweetly sits down to put on socks and shoes.  So we are on our way with Rosie learning that we are her parents, through the good and bad. And then last night again, the sweet, gentle sobs came back.  Bedtime is painful for Rosie.  You can just feel it, that she's missing her friends.  (I know the feeling guys....I miss you all out there).  Rosie's heart is in the right place.  Now about Rosie and Lia...they are also having some struggles.  They're learning to give each other some space since Lia and Rosie can sometimes just get to close to each other, if you know what I mean.  Lia has been broken hearted with "sharing" me and doesn't totally understand that I still love her!  I guess she doesn't developmentally understand that I could share my heart with them both, and still have a ton of love to give.  Anyhow, Lia tries so hard to control her emotions, but it's tricky for a 3 year old!  By nighttime, when she is tired, it is just too much for her.  The other day, she made a little bed out of towels for her little Rosie doll (renamed!) and I encouraged her.  Then she mentioned it was a stink bug bed. Ugh. We're hopeful that Lia will come around soon since she also has a sensitive heart. Two different types of kids, but two sweet hearts. 

1 comment:

  1. Amy & Keith, you're terrific parents! Your desire to be present for both your children, cherish them, give them space to cry while assuring them you're totally in love with who they are is what love is! You're doing great!!!
    The laughter is getting ready to break loose ~ in prayer for each of those needs you're experiencing as a family.
