Friday, June 21, 2013

Goodbye Shanghai... Hello Guangzhou

It's hard to believe, but after many months of paperwork, months of waiting for the next document or process to be completed, we are halfway through out trip to adopt Rosalie Kay Ru  We. left Shanghai today, Rosalie's birthplace and flew to Guangzhou in southern China. We packed suitcases this morning, then went for a walk around some of the blocks near our hotel in Shanghai, grabbed a quick lunch and then met our guide and taxi at 1 p.m..  We had a 3:30 p.m. flight that was delayed and got us into Guangzhou at 10 p.m.. 

When we said goodbye to our wonderful Zita, it was hard to part.  We have developed such a nice relationship with her.  Leaving Shanghai was bittersweet, and Rosalie again started to sweetly and softly cry during the drive.  It was hard for us also; to know that we will be taking her farther and farther away from where her home was.  It was the same feeling as when we left Nanchang...We really hope that we will come back to China when the girls get older and visit Shanghai again as well as the Nanchang area. 

Rosalie and Lia did great on the flight.  Rosalie took in all the sights in of the plane, she sat and drank her sippy cup like she was a world traveler.  There was no fear in her eyes the whole flight.  The walking escalators were a huge hit. We arrived at the Garden Hotel, and are so very happy to be here! We have a really nice suite, and the girls are sleeping soundly. 

Tomorrow at 10:30 we will be going to the medical clinic. Rosalie will be getting immunizations, which I've been dreading.  That sounds kind of funny...I feel so bad that Rosalie is getting a ton of shots.  We've been giving her Vitamin C to help with detoxifying.  We're going to stick together for the appointment, since little miss Lia is quite amazing with medical things.  She loves that kind of stuff.  When Lia does bloodwork, she watches the whole process (and I almost faint watching Lia watch it all, how does she do that?)...and she'll probably comfort Rosalie.


  1. Of course, we're reading this long hours after you've written the above. We hope the immunizations went well - our bet was Rosie did great, especially with her big sister nearby! There are many here @ Grandma Esther's residence who continue to check on Rosie's new beginnings - and Grandma is only too thrilled to answer any & all questions.
    We're looking forward to hearing about the exchange of languages between Lia & Rosie also...much love to the four of you from all of us!

  2. So here we are, a bit more Americanized, and getting closer to coming home. Don't laugh too hard about the stink bug episode...
    Going to the park today and then some Dim Sum.
    Can't wait until we can all share some ice cream together or perhaps lollipops?

  3. Hope the immunizations weren't too traumatic! Lia sounds like a champ, so I bet she helped Rosie through it.

    I had the same feelings, leaving China, both times. There is definitely loss involved for the girls, and I think it's good for us parents to remember that. Too many people think of international adoption as 'rescue', which it most certainly is not. They come from a country with 5000 years of amazing culture and history, and a birth heritage where they are not minorities as they are here. We had planned on visiting China this summer, but decided to hold off until next year.
