Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lia Anne LuLou Markland

Amy and I would like to introduce to our family and friends our baby girl, Lia Anne LuLou! It is official as of Monday, August 16, 2010.  We thank God for giving her to us!  She is an answer to our prayers!   

It is Tuesday morning, 6:00 a.m. China time as I'm write this.  
Lia has slept soundly all night (better then we have).  Monday was a whirlwind…  We started in Beijing, up at 4:30 a.m. and on the bus at 5:30 a.m. We had a bus ride to the Beijing airport where we and  other six families (twenty one people) checked our luggage, got our boarding passes, then rushed to our separate gates.  We traveled alone on China Air to Nanchang, in the Jiangxi Province.  Several of the other families were traveling in pairs to their respective provinces. 

We arrived in Nanchang Monday mid-morning and walked off the plane into hot and humid weather.  Our guide Helen greeted us and then we loaded our taxi and headed off to the hotel.  Of course the first question we asked was where was our baby and when would we meet her.  We got a quick answer, "Oh, she's waiting for you at the hotel!". (Lia had traveled three and a half hours in from the countryside to get to Nanchang)    I think our mouths dropped open, realizing that this was it!  Helen got on her cell phone and called informing them we were on our way, just moments away.   We arrived at the hotel, walked into the lobby and there was Lia coming down the stairs with her nanny and a few others.  It happened so fast.  We wanted to stop and take it all in, wanted to rush up to her and hold her,  wanted to pull out every camera and video camera so we could catch the moment, etc..  She responded so well and in a few moments was in Amy's arms.  She did not cry one bit.  Introductions were made and we were off up to our hotel room for some getting to know you time.  The start of  us being a family!  A second later there was a knock on the door and in came a crib, stroller and baby bath tub.  We had two hours to bond with Lia, order lunch, unpack and get ourselves settled before we had to be at the Civil Affairs office across the street.  Lia did very well, she had a couple of quick cry's and that was it.   

Two hours later we were at the Civil Affairs office where we processed the Chinese portion of the adoption.  We still have the US process to complete next week.  BTW… traffic and taxi rides in Nanchang are very interesting.  I call it "controlled chaos".   

Monday evening went very well and Lia slept through the night.  Unfortunately Amy and I can't say the same (guess we're two nervous Nellie's). 

I'm sorry our pictures aren't coming through.  We're working on it.  Our stay in Beijing was very busy.  It was incredible to see Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and to walk the Great Wall.  We've dined on Chinese food and have enjoyed the different tastes. Nanchung has spicy food. 

Amy and I are enjoying this whole new experience of being parents and visiting China.  We've been getting smiles and nods from Lia and are getting a kick out of the whole bonding process! She is bonding to both of us very well.  She is a happy baby!  


  1. You've brought tears to my eyes this morning! Tim and I are absolutely delighted for you! Can't wait to meet this long-awaited, precious gift from God ...


  2. Tears of joy for you! How quickly you became parents in the end!! So happy the bonding is going well as I was sure it would since God is in this whole process. Anxious to see the photos when they come---will share them with Auntie Alice as she is so excited for you also. May the God who created families bless and keep you and give you much peace and joy and smooth 'paths' in these next few days. Have a safe trip home too. Margarethe and Doug Swanson

  3. This is so great to hear. waiting for the pictures. did you try skype yet so I can connect so mom can see her new grand daughter?

  4. It sounds like you have one very good baby!! THANK GOD FOR SO MANY BLESSINGS!

    WOW! Everything seems so organized and things are all going as planned.


    Love you,

  5. I was in the computer lab this afternoon when Auggie told me that his wife had read that you had Lia. So exciting! Can't wait to see her in person. Enjoy the sights, the culture, and most of all - your new daughter!! Rita

  6. Yippeeee! Yippeeee! Yippeeee!
    Pam & Dewey

  7. We are rejoicing with you and thanking the Lord for Lia and your family !

    Congratulations Mama and Baba !! Enjoy your "harmonious" time with Lia and watch her blossom before your eyes as you pour your love into her.

    We are sooooo excited for ya'll and can hardly wait to see pictures of your precious angel.

    In HIS strong love ,
    David & Katherine

  8. So happy for you!!! My heart is delighted to see the hand of God working in your lives to form just the family He had designed for you! How amazing your love is for your daughter that you traveled halfway around the world for her already! God bless all the days ahead.

  9. Crying on my keyboard! Lia sounds wonderful, & I'm so glad everything's gone smoothly for you so far! Isn't it amazing to think that right now you 3 are writing the story you'll tell Lia as she grows up? Scarey traffic in Nanchang - our group was involved in a minor bus accident there. Seeing small schoolchildren dodge trucks & cars crossing busy roads - YIKES! So anxiously awaiting pictures!!

  10. Love you both and am beyond excited for you!!!! Enjoy every minute and hold Lia tightly. She is blessed to have such wonderful parents!

  11. Hi Amy and Keith,
    So thrilled to know all is well and Lia is with you.
    Joanne N
