Saturday, August 21, 2010


Hello family and friends. Keith here..... finally we have pictures of Lia for you to see. We're sorry for the delay in getting the blog updated. We've had some email problems.

We are thoroughly enjoying and LOVING Lia! She is doing very well and bonding to both Amy and I. What an experience it was to walk into the hotel lobby in Nanchang on Monday, August 16 and to see our baby coming down the stairs and being placed into Amy's arms. As any other parent would say, "Oh what a feeling" it is to hold your first child! We both LOVE it! We are so thankful to God for Lia! What a blessing it is.

A brief explanation of the pictures...

Two pictures of our 1st day with Lia, our first evening together, just hours after doing all the Chinese paperwork and the Civil Affairs office across the street on Monday, August 16.

Celebrating Amy's birthday on August 18. There was no better gift then for Amy to hold Lia on her birthday. Our guide and the hotel staff delivered flowers and a cake. Amy was overwhelmed when they sang Happy Birthday in Chinese and English. Lia was napping and didn't wake up at all. What a little trooper.

We are really enjoying China. The people are wonderful, the Chinese food is great(although we did skip the head of the chicken that was delivered with one meal) and the sights are amazing. It has been busy with adjusting to living life with a baby, doing paperwork and documents for the adoption (our guides have been terrific in handling things) and getting in some sights. When we left the city of Nanchang on Friday, I got my first in public diaper duty at the airport... of course it was right before boarding the plane. Whew... I did make it just in time!

Love to all... from us three!


  1. Lia is BEAUTIFUL !!! and we are soooo excited to finally see her and thanking the Lord all is going so well.

    Much Love,
    David and Katherine

  2. I was so surprised to see pictures.........YEA!!!!!!!!



  3. Great photos! Thanks for posting. Lia is beautiful and so happy!
    Sue Anne

  4. We are so happy for the two of you. I sit here with tears and goose bumps for both you as I catch up on your blogs. God bless the 3 of you.

  5. How beautiful Lia is! She looks SO happy - as do both her parents! It sounds like you're having a wonderful start to your family life - congratulations again!!

  6. You have an adorable little daughter! And such happy parents. God is good! Thankful all has gone well and pray it continues bringing you safely back home! What a joy Lia is. So happy for you all.

  7. Loving the pictures!!! Happy Birthday and Happy, Happy parenthood!!!
